A few thoughts…….
Shyanne Lopp |
What a busy, fun time the TDA members can be experiencing over the next few months….. many of our members participated at Columbia’s Mini Mania – either as exhibitors or cheerleaders – this past weekend, and what a fun time we all had! As quoted by Dayle Haworth (who has not shown in several years), “All the classes were full with some great competitors from our donkey club. It was the most fun we have ever had at a donkey show and a great way for Joe and I to jump back into showing once again. The judging was fair, and the atmosphere was filled with camaraderie. ...Even with the cold weather the atmosphere at this show really warmed my heart. If all shows could be like this one we would never stop showing again!”
The show results have been posted on the TDA website at: http://www.tennessee-donkeys.com/MuleDayMiniManiaShowResults2011.html
Please welcome/welcome back these new members:
- Emily Grace Lewis (youth) Lewisburg, TN dad’s email: scottlewis2@charter.net
- The Willis Family (Steve, Treva, Breanna, Cammie, & Deedra) of Mt. Juliet, TN trevas5kids@yahoo.com
- Martha Brown J&M Farm of Smiths Grove, KY mflbro@aol.com
- Joe Thomas ThomAss Jackstock of Readyville, TN jgthomas@mtsu.edu
- Julia & Donnie Vaughn of Nashville, TN jkvaughn45@gmail.com
- Sara Kellog Red Pine Mountain Farm of Danville, VT redpinemountain@gmail.com
In this months ALL EARS:
Spring Meeting
Trail Ride
Cheers for Ears
Donkey Day Expo
Novice Day
Bedford County Fair Show
New Show!
Mission Statement
We will chat again soon!