Each month we will publish this column so that members who may have never met can get to know each other. This month’s answers is provided by Lucy Hatcher of College Grove, TN
1) What is your favorite thing to do with your donkey(s)? LUCY: Valentine loves to be part of the Hatcher Diary Farm Tours. Each Thursday she looks forward to loading on the trailer (she loves her treats for the effort) and going to her "station" where she and her sister (Poppy-the miniature horse) are our official greeters. I have trained her to jump up on a platform and walk through a tunnel.
2) Tell us one thing about you we don't know. LUCY: I am a Level 4 Parelli Natural horsemanship student and am passionate about equine psychology. I love the concept of training through the natural drive and want to of the animal vs make and mechanics. Fear and intimidation never work in the long run. I want an equine partner.
3) Do you have other animals? If so, tell us about them. LUCY: I have 6 full size horses and a pony in addition to the mini donkey and horse. 3 cats and numerous dogs as my husband is a dog trainer. On Hatcher Dairy Farm of course we have LOTS of cows. In addition we have sheep, a few goats, and lots of barn cats.
4) You are granted a day of perfect weather whenever you like. What day do you place it on and why? LUCY: Sunday- That is the most flexible day for me to get to spend time with my equines and not feel guilty about all the other stuff that always needs done on a farm.
5) Have you learned a new (household or farm) short-cut/trick/hint lately? If so, what? LUCY: Do one more thing today to lighten tomorrows load. I don't like to be overwhelmed so being organized and managed as you go pays off in the long run.