TDA 2012 Calendar Fund Raiser
by Theresa Puckett, Club Reporter
by Theresa Puckett, Club Reporter
TDA is embarking on their first ever fundraiser and we are very excited about this project. We are going to publish a calendar for 2012. What does this mean to you our members? Well, this means several things. First off, you can buy the calendars when they are published to help support your club and second, is that you are invited to help us showcase our longear friends. We, the fundraising committee want you, our members, to send in your favorite photos of your donkeys for a chance to be in the calendar. The photos will be submitted to the committee anonymously for the voting process. If your photo is chosen there is a $100 publishing fee. This fee gets you, the winner, a month in the calendar which consists of the full page photo of your donkey, a place on that month to advertise your farm or add a message and one copy of the calendar. You will also receive any additional calendars you may want to purchase at a discounted rate (discount to be decided at a later date).
Calendar Layout:
· The photo must be at least 300 dpi to be considered. Anything less will be discarded. If you need help with this or do not understand what we are asking please contact us. Your photo can be submitted via email or regular mail but if you email make sure that the photo does not get compressed in the emailing process.
· The photos can be whatever you like, a donkey at liberty, a person with a donkey, even a show photo may be submitted. A copyrighted photo cannot be used unless it is accompanied with written permission from the photographer!
· The dead line for submitting photos is March 1st 2011.
· Please keep in mind before submitting a photo that you must be willing to pay the publishing fee if your photo is selected.
- A person or farm can submit as many photos as they wish but can only win once unless there is lessthan 12 people or farms represented.
- All photos must be emailed to Dayle Haworth at or mailed to her at 2356 Feed Mill Road Chapel Hill, TN 37034
Any questions about the calendar can be directed to Theresa Puckett, at or by phone 615-230-7260, Kay Allen at or by phone 931-364-5057 or Dayle.
The committee reserves the right to veto any photo or message that they deem to be inappropriate.
A copy of the calendar contest contract needs to accompany your photo (contract found below).
Contest Contrast:
I understand that by submitting a photo or photos to the TDA fund raising committee that I am willing to pay the $100 publishing fee if my photo is selected. I own all rights to these photos or I have written permission from the photographer to use these photos. I am not infringing on any copyrights with the photos I am submitting.