Monday, May 9, 2011

May Storms - We Were Lucky!

by Jeff & Donna Langston, J & D Little Acres

We were lucky. We only got 1" hail stones, a little wind and heavy rains. Biggest issues here in the valley was that the creeks came out of their banks. We were better off this time than the last time.

The donkeys are truly being watched over. The night before, I had all the yearling's in the lower two lots down near the creek and lower shed. I got up that morning and drove 45 minutes into work. By noon the local streets near work had begun to flood with water. I never dream'd that the small creek running through the lower lots would ever flood. In 25 years of living there, it never had before. Upon turning down our street, I began to worry as I drove through flood roadways near the creek. As I rounded the corner, I could see that both lower donkey lots were 100% covered in water. As I pulled into the drive, I noticed that all the herd, including the yearlings, were standing in the doorway of the upper barn. The lower gate standing wide open. When I fed the evening before, I forgotten to latch the lower gate. Luckily, my forgetfulness had provided the girls with an escape route from the rising waters. The attached pictures are after the water had falling six to eight inches.