Friday, August 5, 2011

Lightfoot’s ASSpect

    Parades and Birthdays
Wow!  Fourth of July!  What a great day to be born!  I was so excited when I overheard Mom and Aunt Dayle talking about the 4th of July parade in Lewisburg.  What a way to celebrate my birthday.  Sure it was going to be hot but parades mean bands.  And bands mean music. Who doesn’t just love a band right?  And, the theme of the parade was “Happy Birthday America”, so appropriate on this, my special day.  I was singing “Happy Birthday to me, Lightfoot Lee”.

Well, Monday morning finally arrived and as we unloaded and began to suit up. I was searching the grounds for the band. WHAT? NO BAND? NO STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER? NO HAPPY BIRTHDAY?? Are you kidding me? How does one celebrate the 4th of July, a parade and my birthday with no band? What a let down.

I saw no need for walking the parade route when the entire lineup proceeded out of the parking lot right in front of us. But, the three of us… or should I say the six of us plodded along, last in the parade with a cop right on our tail!  Like I was planning on speeding or something.  I walked so slow I became my own parade; at least a half mile behind the last entry.  When we dropped out (as the last big hill came into view), that cop whizzed right past us as if a Krispy Krème was at the end of this 2 mile hike.  

From now on I prefer to celebrate my birthday in the pasture, with my friends. Oh, and don’t forget the band! 

‘Til Next Time,
