Things to remember……
- TDA fall meeting and officer elections on Saturday November 5th at 4PM. Running for office: Vice President- Dena Wilson, Secretary- Sandy Carroll, Treasurer- Dana Rathburn, Reporter- Theresa Puckett, Awards Committee- Dayle Haworth, Kay Allen and Theresa Puckett. For more info, location and a map go to
- It is not too soon to be thinking about Christmas and the 2012 TDA fund raising calendars would make a great gift! Pick yours up now!! The calendars can be picked up at all events or if you would like we can ship it. If you live close to any officer just let us know and we can arrange for you to pick it up. The cost is $12 each and if we ship plus shipping costs. Contact Theresa Puckett at 615-230-7260 or email Get yours before it is too late!!!
- I would like to congratulate everyone on your wins at Westmoreland, well done!! Second, I wanted to convey to you all how impressed everyone was with the show. I told them that the TDA has a great bunch of people who are always willing to give their all whether it be showing, helping someone else to show or just jumping in to help in the ring or anything else that needs to be done. I am very proud to be a member along side such a great bunch of people!! It was the most successful show of their weekend.