Thursday, December 8, 2011

Lightfoot’s ASSpect

Project Runway

I’m beginning to think I am just one big project for my Mom. That’s what she does….no that’s who she is. I’ve witnessed it for 2 1/2 years now. She is working her hardest to turn me into this picture perfect little parade/show donkey. That woman needs a job!!!! It’s obvious her focus is askew.
She’s always having these ideas but other people have to carry have to carry the plans out. In October she got a puppy and I thought that was wonderful until it became my job to cart him around the farm. He is a cute little bugger but now I have to babysit??? She tells me having a dog around builds my character. I think stomping that extra 15 pounds of dead weight would enhance my resume in a superior manner by building my muscles and my reaction time.
Then the family invites themselves down from Michigan for Thanksgiving. That got her attention… for a couple of weeks.  But, once again, she engaged help cleaning her house.  It was littered with stacks and piles of “projects” (besides me) all of which she made Dad haul up into the attic until after Christmas.  But, keep in mind she’s looking for just the right… shall we say, partner to complete these tasks.
I’m optimistically hoping I see the end of the tunnel for 2011 with the cold temperatures sneaking in.  And, after all, she did let me stand next to the band at College Grove which has been the only bright spot of my long to-do list.  Maybe after we get through these 5 seasonal parades I can just be a donkey instead of a project; then again, Columbia Mule Day is just around the corner.

Until then,
Lightfoot Lee