Sunday, December 22, 2013

November / December

A few thoughts…… 
  • In November TDA elected their 2014 officers. They are as follows: President - Sally Lightner, Vice President - Katrina Fleener, Secretary - Jacqueline Brown, Treasurer - Dena Wilson, Reporter - Theresa Puckett, Awards - Dayle Haworth and Dena Wilson. 
  • I am sorry to say that I am stepping down from Reporter so this will be your last newsletter from me. I have truly loved being reporter! I just need to step back and concentrate on other things right now. 
  • TDA's holiday party will be held on January 11th at 3PM. Location is Henry Horton State Park. We will be playing dirty Santa so each person will need to bring a $10 gift to play.
  • Don't forget to pay your 2014 dues!!
  • Dead line to turn in your points is January 4th email them to Dayle Haworth Forms can be down loaded from:     
  • As always watch for any upcoming events at 

Merry Christmas

TDA wishes all its members a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

Out And About With Longears

Several members of TN Donkey ASSociation went to the Shaker Village in Pleasant Hill, KY to go trail driving. When we called to book our rooms they asked if we would drive the donkeys through the village on Saturday to let the people meet our donkeys. We had a ball and plan to go back soon.