Sunday, December 22, 2013

November / December

A few thoughts…… 
  • In November TDA elected their 2014 officers. They are as follows: President - Sally Lightner, Vice President - Katrina Fleener, Secretary - Jacqueline Brown, Treasurer - Dena Wilson, Reporter - Theresa Puckett, Awards - Dayle Haworth and Dena Wilson. 
  • I am sorry to say that I am stepping down from Reporter so this will be your last newsletter from me. I have truly loved being reporter! I just need to step back and concentrate on other things right now. 
  • TDA's holiday party will be held on January 11th at 3PM. Location is Henry Horton State Park. We will be playing dirty Santa so each person will need to bring a $10 gift to play.
  • Don't forget to pay your 2014 dues!!
  • Dead line to turn in your points is January 4th email them to Dayle Haworth Forms can be down loaded from:     
  • As always watch for any upcoming events at