At this point everyone in the equine community has at least heard that there has been an outbreak of Equine Herpesvirus EHV-1. You may think to yourself, don’t I vaccinate for that, and you do. This is a new strain for which at this point there is no vaccine. In a brochure published by the USDA they tell us “ EHV-1: Can cause four manifestations of disease in horses, including a neurological form, respiratory disease, abortion, and neonatal death. EHM is most often due to mutant or neuropathogenic strains of EHV-1, so called because of a particular mutation in the genome.” They go on to define EHM as “Equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (EHM) is another name for the neurologic disease associated with equine herpesvirus (EHV) infections. Neurological signs appear as a result of damage to blood vessels in the brain and spinal cord associated with EHV infection. Interference with the blood supply leads to tissue damage and a subsequent loss in normal function of areas in the brain and spinal cord.” You all recently received an email from Katrina with a link in to TDA’s health page where you can read this very informative piece of literature in its entirety. Please take the time to read this, here is the link again . If you have further questions about this strain or any other equine diseases please contact your Veterinarian.