Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lightfoot’s ASSpect

Donkey Day Expo

May 2011

Okay……I get that my owner is excited about miniature donkeys; especially me. And, for good reason I might add. I spoiled her by being the genius donkey of her dreams. If I had it to do all over again I would pretend to be difficult on that obstacle course and I would NEVER allow videos to be filmed let alone posted for all to see. But I could do an easy course with my hooves tied behind my back while blindfolded.

So, she goes to your little club function, Donkey Day Expo,...puullleeaase. Are you kidding me? I didn’t even get to go. Then, she comes home with all your grand ideas on how to train. (I overheard her mention the name ‘Dawn Ware’ to Dayle. Who is she anyway?) Doesn’t matter, I’m not happy about any of it. She seems to think, NOW, that she can “LOOK” at my hip and I should move away. Plus, she is talking about Snigging and I thought I had her convinced about “No harness allowed”. Look! What are you doing? You are creating a nightjennet for me! Can you people get a life?

I’m minding my own business, eating in the pasture with my friends when she appears out of nowhere expecting me to do her bidding. And, she’s way more persistent than she used to be. She actually waits until I give in. It’s ridiculous!! I forbid her to attend any more training seminars presented by the Tennessee Donkey ASSociation. Got it?

'Til Next Time,

Lightfoot Lee